

  • 01 / 2024 - Present
    NetEase Games
    AI Engineer
    • Computer graphics research for video games


  • 2024
    University of California, Los Angeles
    PhD - Mechanical Engineering
  • 2019
    University of California, Los Angeles
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering
  • 2017
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering


  • 06 / 2023 - 09 / 2023
    Meta Reality Labs Research
    Research Scientist Intern
    • Worked with AR/VR Research Team
    • Differentiable physics engine for AR/VR applications
  • 06 / 2022 - 09 / 2022
    Applied Scientist Intern
    • Worked with Fashion Innovation Tech team
    • Cloth simulations and differentiable physics engine
  • 06 / 2021 - 12 / 2021
    X - The Moonshot Factory
    Resident (Internship)
    • Worked at Everyday Robots
    • Reduced-order simulations of deformable objects in Bullet